Source code for cwt.recipient_interface

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from .cose_key_interface import COSEKeyInterface

[docs]class RecipientInterface(COSEKeyInterface): """ The interface class for a COSE Recipient. """
[docs] def __init__( self, protected: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None, unprotected: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None, ciphertext: bytes = b"", recipients: List[Any] = [], key_ops: List[int] = [], key: bytes = b"", ): """ Constructor. Args: protected (Optional[Dict[int, Any]]): Parameters that are to be cryptographically protected. unprotected (Optional[Dict[int, Any]]): Parameters that are not cryptographically protected. ciphertext: A ciphertext encoded as bytes. recipients: A list of recipient information structures. key_ops: A list of operations that the key is to be used for. key: A body of the key as bytes. """ protected = {} if protected is None else protected unprotected = {} if unprotected is None else unprotected params: Dict[int, Any] = {1: 4} # Support only Symmetric key. # kid if 4 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[4], bytes): raise ValueError("unprotected[4](kid) should be bytes.") params[2] = unprotected[4] # alg if 1 in protected: if not isinstance(protected[1], int): raise ValueError("protected[1](alg) should be int.") params[3] = protected[1] elif 1 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[1], int): raise ValueError("unprotected[1](alg) should be int.") params[3] = unprotected[1] if params[3] == -6: # direct if len(protected) != 0: raise ValueError("protected header should be empty.") if len(ciphertext) != 0: raise ValueError("ciphertext should be zero-length bytes.") if len(recipients) != 0: raise ValueError("recipients should be absent.") else: params[3] = 0 # key_ops if key_ops: params[4] = key_ops # iv if 5 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[5], bytes): raise ValueError("unprotected[5](iv) should be bytes.") params[5] = unprotected[5] super().__init__(params) self._protected = protected self._unprotected = unprotected self._ciphertext = ciphertext self._key = key # Validate recipients self._recipients: List[RecipientInterface] = [] if not recipients: return for recipient in recipients: if not isinstance(recipient, RecipientInterface): raise ValueError("Invalid child recipient.") self._recipients.append(recipient) return
@property def key(self) -> bytes: """ The body of the key as bytes. """ return self._key @property def protected(self) -> Dict[int, Any]: """ The parameters that are to be cryptographically protected. """ return self._protected @property def unprotected(self) -> Dict[int, Any]: """ The parameters that are not cryptographically protected. """ return self._unprotected @property def ciphertext(self) -> bytes: """ The ciphertext encoded as bytes """ return self._ciphertext @property def recipients(self) -> Union[List[Any], None]: """ The list of recipient information structures. """ return self._recipients
[docs] def to_list(self) -> List[Any]: """ Returns the recipient information as a COSE recipient structure. Returns: List[Any]: The recipient structure. """ b_protected = self._dumps(self._protected) if self._protected else b"" b_ciphertext = self._ciphertext if self._ciphertext else b"" res: List[Any] = [b_protected, self._unprotected, b_ciphertext] if not self._recipients: return res children = [] for recipient in self._recipients: children.append(recipient.to_list()) res.append(children) return res
[docs] def set_key(self, key: bytes): """ Sets a key. Args: key (bytes): The key as bytes. """ self._key = key return
[docs] def verify_key( self, material: bytes, expected_key: bytes, context: Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]], ): """ Verifies a key with a key material and an expected key. Args: material (bytes): A key material. expected_key (bytes): A byte string of the expected key. context (Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]): Context information structure. Raises: NotImplementedError: Not implemented. ValueError: Invalid arguments. VerifyError: Failed to verify the key. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def wrap_key(self, key_to_wrap: bytes): """ Wraps a key and keeps it internally as the ciphertext. Args: key_to_wrap (bytes): A key to be wrapped. Raises: NotImplementedError: Not implemented. ValueError: Invalid arguments. EncodeError: Failed to encode(wrap) key. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unwrap_key(self, alg: int) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Unwraps the key stored as the ciphertext. Args: alg (int): The algorithm of the wrapped key. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: An unwrapped key. Raises: NotImplementedError: Not implemented. ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode(unwrap) the key. """ raise NotImplementedError