Source code for cwt.claims_builder

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from .claims import Claims
from .const import CWT_CLAIM_NAMES
from .key_builder import KeyBuilder

[docs]class ClaimsBuilder: """ CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims Builder. ```` is a global object of this class initialized with default settings. """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """ Constructor. At the current implementation, any ``options`` will be ignored. """ self._options = options self._key_builder = KeyBuilder() self._private_claim_names: Dict[str, int] = {} self._claim_names = dict(CWT_CLAIM_NAMES, **self._private_claim_names) return
[docs] def from_dict(self, claims: Dict[int, Any]) -> Claims: """ Create a Claims object from a CBOR-like(Dict[int, Any]) claim object. Args: claims (Dict[str, Any]): A CBOR-like(Dict[int, Any]) claim object. Returns: Claims: A CWT claims object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. """ return Claims(claims, self._claim_names)
[docs] def from_json(self, claims: Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Claims: """ Converts a JWT claims object into a CWT claims object which has numeric keys. If a key string in JSON data cannot be mapped to a numeric key, it will be skipped. Args: claims (Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]): A JWT claims object to be converted. Returns: Claims: A CWT claims object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. """ json_claims: Dict[str, Any] = {} if isinstance(claims, str) or isinstance(claims, bytes): json_claims = json.loads(claims) else: json_claims = claims for k in json_claims: if not isinstance(k, int): break raise ValueError("It is already CBOR-like format.") # Convert JSON to CBOR (Convert the type of key from str to int). cbor_claims: Dict[int, Any] = {} for k, v in json_claims.items(): if k not in CWT_CLAIM_NAMES: if k in self._private_claim_names: cbor_claims[self._private_claim_names[k]] = v elif k == "cnf": if not isinstance(v, dict): raise ValueError("cnf value should be dict.") if "jwk" in v: key = self._key_builder.from_jwk(v["jwk"]) cbor_claims[CWT_CLAIM_NAMES[k]] = {1: key.to_dict()} elif "eck" in v: cbor_claims[CWT_CLAIM_NAMES[k]] = {2: v["eck"]} elif "kid" in v: cbor_claims[CWT_CLAIM_NAMES[k]] = {3: v["kid"].encode("utf-8")} else: raise ValueError("Supported cnf value not found.") else: cbor_claims[CWT_CLAIM_NAMES[k]] = v # Convert test string should be bstr into bstr. # -259: EUPHNonce # -258: EATMAROEPrefix # 7: cti for i in [-259, -258, 7]: if i in cbor_claims and isinstance(cbor_claims[i], str): cbor_claims[i] = cbor_claims[i].encode("utf-8") return Claims(cbor_claims, self._claim_names)
[docs] def set_private_claim_names(self, claim_names: Dict[str, int]): """ Sets private claim definitions. The definitions will be used in :func:`from_json <cwt.ClaimsBuilder.from_json>`. Args: claims (Dict[str, int]): A set of private claim definitions which consist of a readable claim name(str) and a claim key(int). The claim key should be less than -65536 but you can use the numbers other than pre-registered numbers listed in `IANA Registry <>`_. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. """ for v in claim_names.values(): if v in CWT_CLAIM_NAMES.values(): raise ValueError( "The claim key should be other than the values listed in" ) self._private_claim_names = claim_names self._claim_names = dict(CWT_CLAIM_NAMES, **self._private_claim_names) return
[docs] def validate(self, claims: Dict[int, Any]): """ Validates a CWT claims object. Args: claims (Dict[int, Any]): A CWT claims object to be validated. Raises: ValueError: Failed to verify. """ Claims(claims) return
# export claims = ClaimsBuilder()