Source code for cwt.cose_key

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import cbor2
from cryptography import x509
from import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (

from .algs.ec2 import EC2Key
from .algs.okp import OKPKey
from .algs.raw import RawKey
from .algs.rsa import RSAKey
from .algs.symmetric import AESCCMKey, AESGCMKey, AESKeyWrap, ChaCha20Key, HMACKey
from .const import (
from .cose_key_interface import COSEKeyInterface
from .utils import jwk_to_cose_key_params, uint_to_bytes

[docs]class COSEKey: """ A :class:`COSEKeyInterface <cwt.COSEKeyInterface>` Builder. """
[docs] @staticmethod def new(params: Dict[int, Any]) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Creates a COSE key from a CBOR-like dictionary with numeric keys. Args: params (Dict[int, Any]): A CBOR-like dictionary with numeric keys of a COSE key. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A COSE key object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. """ # Validate COSE Key common parameters. if 1 not in params: raise ValueError("kty(1) not found.") if not isinstance(params[1], int) and not isinstance(params[1], str): raise ValueError("kty(1) should be int or str(tstr).") if params[1] == 1: return OKPKey(params) if params[1] == 2: return EC2Key(params) if params[1] == 3: return RSAKey(params) if params[1] == 4: if 3 not in params or ( not isinstance(params[3], int) and not isinstance(params[3], str) ): raise ValueError("alg(3) should be int or str(tstr).") if params[3] in [1, 2, 3]: return AESGCMKey(params) if params[3] in [4, 5, 6, 7]: return HMACKey(params) if params[3] in [10, 11, 12, 13, 30, 31, 32, 33]: return AESCCMKey(params) if params[3] == 24: return ChaCha20Key(params) if params[3] in [-3, -4, -5]: return AESKeyWrap(params) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg(3): {params[3]}.") raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown kty(1): {params[1]}.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_symmetric_key( cls, key: Union[bytes, str] = b"", alg: Union[int, str] = "", kid: Union[bytes, str] = b"", key_ops: Optional[Union[List[int], List[str]]] = None, ) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Creates a COSE key from a symmetric key. Args: key (Union[bytes, str]): A key bytes or string. alg (Union[int, str]): An algorithm label(int) or name(str). Supported ``alg`` are listed in `Supported COSE Algorithms <>`_. kid (Union[bytes, str]): A key identifier. key_ops (Union[List[int], List[str]]): A list of key operation values. Following values can be used: ``1("sign")``, ``2("verify")``, ``3("encrypt")``, ``4("decrypt")``, ``5("wrap key")``, ``6("unwrap key")``, ``7("derive key")``, ``8("derive bits")``, ``9("MAC create")``, ``10("MAC verify")`` Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A COSE key object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode("utf-8") if alg == "": return RawKey({1: 4, -1: key}) alg_id = alg if isinstance(alg, int) else COSE_ALGORITHMS_SYMMETRIC.get(alg, 0) if alg_id == 0: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg(3): {alg}.") params = { 1: 4, # kty: 'Symmetric' 3: alg_id, # alg: int -1: key, # k: bstr } if isinstance(kid, str): kid = kid.encode("utf-8") if kid: params[2] = kid key_ops_labels: List[int] = [] if key_ops and isinstance(key_ops, list): try: for ops in key_ops: if isinstance(ops, str): key_ops_labels.append(COSE_KEY_OPERATION_VALUES[ops]) else: key_ops_labels.append(ops) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown key_ops.") params[4] = key_ops_labels return
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, key_data: bytes) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Creates a COSE key from CBOR-formatted key data. Args: key_data (bytes): CBOR-formatted key data. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A COSE key object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode the key data. """ params = cbor2.loads(key_data) return
[docs] @classmethod def from_jwk(cls, data: Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Creates a COSE key from JWK (JSON Web Key). Args: jwk (Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]]): JWK-formatted key data. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A COSE key object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode the key data. """ return
[docs] @classmethod def from_pem( cls, key_data: Union[str, bytes], alg: Union[int, str] = "", kid: Union[bytes, str] = b"", key_ops: Optional[Union[List[int], List[str]]] = None, ) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Creates a COSE key from PEM-formatted key data. Args: key_data (bytes): A PEM-formatted key data. alg (Union[int, str]): An algorithm label(int) or name(str). Different from ::func::`cwt.COSEKey.from_symmetric_key`, it is only used when an algorithm cannot be specified by the PEM data, such as RSA family algorithms. kid (Union[bytes, str]): A key identifier. key_ops (Union[List[int], List[str]]): A list of key operation values. Following values can be used: ``1("sign")``, ``2("verify")``, ``3("encrypt")``, ``4("decrypt")``, ``5("wrap key")``, ``6("unwrap key")``, ``7("derive key")``, ``8("derive bits")``, ``9("MAC create")``, ``10("MAC verify")`` Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A COSE key object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode the key data. """ if isinstance(key_data, str): key_data = key_data.encode("utf-8") key_str = key_data.decode("utf-8") k: Any = None if "BEGIN PUBLIC" in key_str: k = load_pem_public_key(key_data) elif "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" in key_str: k = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(key_data).public_key() elif "BEGIN PRIVATE" in key_str: k = load_pem_private_key(key_data, password=None) elif "BEGIN EC PRIVATE" in key_str: k = load_pem_private_key(key_data, password=None) else: raise ValueError("Failed to decode PEM.") params: Dict[int, Any] = {} if isinstance(kid, str): kid = kid.encode("utf-8") if kid: params[2] = kid key_ops_labels: List[int] = [] if key_ops and isinstance(key_ops, list): try: for ops in key_ops: if isinstance(ops, str): key_ops_labels.append(COSE_KEY_OPERATION_VALUES[ops]) else: key_ops_labels.append(ops) except Exception: raise ValueError("Unsupported or unknown key_ops.") params[4] = key_ops_labels if isinstance(k, RSAPublicKey) or isinstance(k, RSAPrivateKey): if not alg: raise ValueError("alg parameter should be specified for an RSA key.") if isinstance(alg, str): if alg not in COSE_ALGORITHMS_RSA: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg: {alg}.") alg = COSE_ALGORITHMS_RSA[alg] params[1] = COSE_KEY_TYPES["RSA"] params[3] = alg if isinstance(k, RSAPublicKey): pub_nums = k.public_numbers() params[-1] = uint_to_bytes(pub_nums.n) params[-2] = uint_to_bytes(pub_nums.e) else: priv_nums = k.private_numbers() params[-1] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.public_numbers.n) params[-2] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.public_numbers.e) params[-3] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.d) params[-4] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.p) params[-5] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.q) params[-6] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.dmp1) # dP params[-7] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.dmq1) # dQ params[-8] = uint_to_bytes(priv_nums.iqmp) # qInv elif isinstance(k, EllipticCurvePrivateKey) or isinstance( k, EllipticCurvePublicKey ): if alg: if isinstance(alg, str): if alg in COSE_ALGORITHMS_CKDM_KEY_AGREEMENT: alg = COSE_ALGORITHMS_CKDM_KEY_AGREEMENT[alg] elif alg in COSE_ALGORITHMS_SIG_EC2: alg = COSE_ALGORITHMS_SIG_EC2[alg] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg for EC2: {alg}.") params[3] = alg params.update(EC2Key.to_cose_key(k)) else: if alg: if isinstance(alg, str): if alg in COSE_ALGORITHMS_CKDM_KEY_AGREEMENT: alg = COSE_ALGORITHMS_CKDM_KEY_AGREEMENT[alg] elif alg in COSE_ALGORITHMS_SIG_OKP: alg = COSE_ALGORITHMS_SIG_OKP[alg] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or unknown alg for OKP: {alg}.") params[3] = alg params.update(OKPKey.to_cose_key(k)) return