Source code for cwt.encrypted_cose_key

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import cbor2
from cbor2 import CBORTag

from .cbor_processor import CBORProcessor
from .cose import COSE
from .cose_key import COSEKey
from .cose_key_interface import COSEKeyInterface

[docs]class EncryptedCOSEKey(CBORProcessor): """ An encrypted COSE key. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cose_key( key: COSEKeyInterface, encryption_key: COSEKeyInterface, nonce: bytes = b"", tagged: bool = False, ) -> Union[List[Any], bytes]: """ Returns an encrypted COSE key formatted to COSE_Encrypt0 structure. Args: key: COSEKeyInterface: A key to be encrypted. encryption_key: COSEKeyInterface: An encryption key to encrypt the target COSE key. nonce (bytes): A nonce for encryption. tagged (bool): An indicator whether the response is wrapped by CWT tag(61) or not. Returns: Union[List[Any], bytes]: A COSE_Encrypt0 structure of the target COSE key. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. EncodeError: Failed to encrypt the COSE key. """ protected: Dict[int, Any] = {1: encryption_key.alg} unprotected: Dict[int, Any] = ( {4: encryption_key.kid} if encryption_key.kid else {} ) if not nonce: try: nonce = encryption_key.generate_nonce() except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError( "Nonce generation is not supported for the key. Set a nonce explicitly." ) unprotected[5] = nonce b_payload = cbor2.dumps(key.to_dict()) res: CBORTag = COSE().encode_and_encrypt( b_payload, encryption_key, protected, unprotected, nonce=nonce, out="cbor2/CBORTag", ) return res.value
[docs] @staticmethod def to_cose_key( key: List[Any], encryption_key: COSEKeyInterface ) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Returns an decrypted COSE key. Args: key: COSEKeyInterface: A key formatted to COSE_Encrypt0 structure to be decrypted. encryption_key: COSEKeyInterface: An encryption key to decrypt the target COSE key. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A key decrypted. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode the COSE key. VerifyError: Failed to verify the COSE key. """ res = cbor2.loads(COSE().decode(CBORTag(16, key), encryption_key)) return