Source code for cwt.recipient_interface

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from import EllipticCurvePublicKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448 import X448PublicKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import X25519PublicKey

from .algs.ec2 import EC2Key
from .algs.okp import OKPKey
from .cbor_processor import CBORProcessor
from .cose_key_interface import COSEKeyInterface

[docs]class RecipientInterface(CBORProcessor): """ The interface class for a COSE Recipient. """
[docs] def __init__( self, protected: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None, unprotected: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None, ciphertext: bytes = b"", recipients: List[Any] = [], key_ops: List[int] = [], key: bytes = b"", ): """ Constructor. Args: protected (Optional[Dict[int, Any]]): Parameters that are to be cryptographically protected. unprotected (Optional[Dict[int, Any]]): Parameters that are not cryptographically protected. ciphertext: A ciphertext encoded as bytes. recipients: A list of recipient information structures. key_ops: A list of operations that the key is to be used for. key: A body of the key as bytes. """ protected = {} if protected is None else protected unprotected = {} if unprotected is None else unprotected self._alg = 0 # kid self._kid = b"" if 4 in protected: if not isinstance(protected[4], bytes): raise ValueError("protected[4](kid) should be bytes.") self._kid = protected[4] elif 4 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[4], bytes): raise ValueError("unprotected[4](kid) should be bytes.") self._kid = unprotected[4] # alg if 1 in protected: if not isinstance(protected[1], int): raise ValueError("protected[1](alg) should be int.") self._alg = protected[1] elif 1 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[1], int): raise ValueError("unprotected[1](alg) should be int.") self._alg = unprotected[1] if unprotected[1] == -6: # direct if len(protected) != 0: raise ValueError("protected header should be empty.") if len(ciphertext) != 0: raise ValueError("ciphertext should be zero-length bytes.") if len(recipients) != 0: raise ValueError("recipients should be absent.") # iv if 5 in unprotected: if not isinstance(unprotected[5], bytes): raise ValueError("unprotected[5](iv) should be bytes.") self._protected = protected self._unprotected = unprotected self._ciphertext = ciphertext self._key = key # Validate recipients self._recipients: List[RecipientInterface] = [] if not recipients: return for recipient in recipients: if not isinstance(recipient, RecipientInterface): raise ValueError("Invalid child recipient.") self._recipients.append(recipient) return
@property def kid(self) -> bytes: """ The key identifier. """ return self._kid @property def alg(self) -> int: """ The algorithm that is used with the key. """ return self._alg @property def protected(self) -> Dict[int, Any]: """ The parameters that are to be cryptographically protected. """ return self._protected @property def unprotected(self) -> Dict[int, Any]: """ The parameters that are not cryptographically protected. """ return self._unprotected @property def ciphertext(self) -> bytes: """ The ciphertext encoded as bytes """ return self._ciphertext @property def recipients(self) -> Union[List[Any], None]: """ The list of recipient information structures. """ return self._recipients
[docs] def to_list(self) -> List[Any]: """ Returns the recipient information as a COSE recipient structure. Returns: List[Any]: The recipient structure. """ b_protected = self._dumps(self._protected) if self._protected else b"" b_ciphertext = self._ciphertext if self._ciphertext else b"" res: List[Any] = [b_protected, self._unprotected, b_ciphertext] if not self._recipients: return res children = [] for recipient in self._recipients: children.append(recipient.to_list()) res.append(children) return res
[docs] def apply( self, key: Optional[COSEKeyInterface] = None, recipient_key: Optional[COSEKeyInterface] = None, salt: Optional[bytes] = None, context: Optional[Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Applies a COSEKey as a material to prepare a MAC/encryption key with the recipient-specific method (e.g., key wrapping, key agreement, or the combination of them) and sets up the related information (context information or ciphertext) in the recipient structure. Therefore, it will be used by the sender of the recipient information before calling COSE.encode_* functions with the Recipient object. The key generated through this function will be set to ``key`` parameter of COSE.encode_* functions. Args: key (Optional[COSEKeyInterface]): The external key to be used for preparing the key. recipient_key (Optional[COSEKeyInterface]): The external public key provided by the recipient used for ECDH key agreement. salt (Optional[bytes]): A salt used for deriving a key. context (Optional[Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]): Context information structure. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: A generated key or passed-throug key which is used as ``key`` parameter of COSE.encode_* functions. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. EncodeError: Failed to encode(e.g., wrap, derive) the key. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def extract( self, key: COSEKeyInterface, alg: Optional[int] = None, context: Optional[Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> COSEKeyInterface: """ Extracts a MAC/encryption key with the recipient-specific method (e.g., key wrapping, key agreement, or the combination of them). This function will be called in COSE.decode so applications do not need to call it directly. Args: key (COSEKeyInterface): The external key to be used for extracting the key. alg (Optional[int]): The algorithm of the key extracted. context (Optional[Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]): Context information structure. Returns: COSEKeyInterface: An extracted key which is used for decrypting or verifying a payload message. Raises: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecodeError: Failed to decode(e.g., unwrap, derive) the key. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _to_cose_key(self, k: Union[EllipticCurvePublicKey, X25519PublicKey, X448PublicKey]) -> Dict[int, Any]: if isinstance(k, EllipticCurvePublicKey): return EC2Key.to_cose_key(k) return OKPKey.to_cose_key(k)